It's been a crazy week this week! I've been working on improving my website,, and have added a boatload of new stuff.
First, we've added a new post from Sasha Mullins, noted biker and author. This has been added under the Ladies Only section of the site. We hope to be adding additional content to this area over the coming weeks including an interview with Kathy, the founder of ROAR Motorcycles, a custom biker builder specifically for women. On that note, Christine is considering starting a Cool Bike Rides Woman's Riding Club for the coming season. If you're interested, please contact and let her know. This would be based out the the Westfield, MA area. If you're interested in forming a Cool Bike Rides Women's Riding Club in your area, contact me at and I'll give you a hand getting started. If there's enough interest, I'll help her get this organized and an announcement will follow. This has been the one big area that's been asked for. I'm finding that there are more and more of you ladies giving up your position on the back seat for your own on the front one. Welcome to my addiction! The most frequently asked question I get from you ladies is "where can I find other women to ride with?" We're going to try to help!
I've also done some re-organizing on the site so you may find a couple of things in different places. I think you'll like it. The biggest move is I've combined an old menu selection under one new one that includes some new, really cool tools. I've created a Communication section on the site. Under this you you'll find the link to our Cool Bike Rides forum. Additionally, there are links a new Cool Bike Rides chat room. We've created this for your chatting pleasure. Use it to meet new folks in your area, to find a riding partner for a weekend, or just to catch up with some friends. The nice thing is there's no signup, nothing to install on your local machine, just a simple chatting tool for you to use. Additionally, I've resurrected my Blog. If you're interested in reading it, or subscribing to it, there's a link on the main commincation page.
We've just created a new group on Facebook. It's called Cool Bike Rides. Original huh? We welcome anyone who's on Facebook to join. Just another great communication tool. If you're interested, look for me, Ian Creswell, and send me a friend request. I'll be happy to accept. I'm alson on Myspace at
I've added some links to some great rides on the Maps and Directions page. Be sure to take a look at those and don't hesitate to send me your own suggestions.
Are you a reader? I sure am, nothing beats a good book when you're stuck at home. As of last evening, we've added a bookstore to We've added several books, some of which we've already read and enjoyed, so you can find interesting reading. Christine has written up reviews on a few books and has just done another I'll be posting shortly. This will give you some idea what kind of read they may be. Keep checking back as we'll be expanding the bookstore over the coming months.
On to the big one, I'm in the process of setting up an internet radio show. It's likely to be a weekly, perhaps bi-weekly program. On this show, we will cover all sorts of topics related to the motorcycle industry and riding in general. We're formulating our plans for this show and hope to broadcast our first one shortly. Watch the website for an official link and schedule. If you have any ideas for topics, guests, or anything else you'd like to hear, please e-mail me and let me know. We want to ensure we're providing you with the topics you're interested in!
Let me close with a call for your help. Send us in your favorite rides, riding roads, books you've read and enjoyed (just the title and author, no need to send the book ;-), pictures and stories so we can share them with everyone. We'd be happy to review and add these to the website.
I guess that's it for now. Now that I read through this I wonder how I found the time to get this all done?! We hope you enjoy the site and continue to share it with your friends!
Ride safe!