Sunday, February 15, 2009
Weight loss...
Well, I've worked out every day for a little over two weeks now and have finally adjusted my diet. I'VE LOST 5 POUNDS! Well it's not much but it's a start! I guess I'll keep at it for a while...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Went riding again today...
Well, the temprature hit the 40's again today, but the cloud cover didn't look like it wanted to let loose. The clouds were thick and low and were gradually moving to the east. The weather man was predicting some heavy afternoon winds as well. The temp was also supposed to drop relatively quickly once the clouds cleared so I knew the window to ride would be brief.
Well, almost like clockwork, the clouds cleared out at noon on the button. There was a breeze but the heavier winds hadn't started yet.
Chris and I quickly geared up and headed down to the garage to pull the bikes out to test the roads. Well, there was still some ice on the driveway, but it wasn't as bad as it had been last week when I'd taken an afternoon ride so we decided to give it a try.
After great deliberation, I opted to wear my half helmet, with my Global Vision glasses and my leather bandana. I also decided that it was just cool enough with the breeze that I should pack my full face as well. I'm glas I did as I regretted not wearing it 5 minutes into the ride.
We headed on out and turned towards some of the main roads to avoid the leftover ice and heavy sand on some of the shady side roads. We got about a half a mile from the house and those winds they predicted were just getting going. As we approached a local farm, we were both blown quicte hard to the left. This was certainly going to be a short ride.
Once we reached the center of town, I pulled over so I could take a minute to switch helmets. I'm sure glad I did as it made the brief ride much more enjoyable. My forehead was sure to be a block of ice had I not made the change.
After a brief stop, we decided to continue on down route 10/202 towards Westfield figuring the road would be in nice shape. Though we figured right, the winds kept getting stronger and stronger. Additionally, the one part not covered by my chaps was begining to get cold quickly (I'll leave that to your imagination). We aborted the ride a little early and headed back home.
I spent some time giving the bikes a good cleaning when we arrived back home. I hate to leave the road salt on them as it sure can cause issues with corrosion. It sounds silly but I always break out the leaf blower when I wash the bikes so I can dry them before the water spots get a chance to set in. If you've never tried it, give it a go. Just expect a few funny looks from your neighbors...
After cleaning them, I made a few minor adjustments and repairs that have needed doing for a while and then I put them away for another day. It looks like there's a bit of a warm-up on it's way this week so hopefully it won't be too long.
Well, almost like clockwork, the clouds cleared out at noon on the button. There was a breeze but the heavier winds hadn't started yet.
Chris and I quickly geared up and headed down to the garage to pull the bikes out to test the roads. Well, there was still some ice on the driveway, but it wasn't as bad as it had been last week when I'd taken an afternoon ride so we decided to give it a try.
After great deliberation, I opted to wear my half helmet, with my Global Vision glasses and my leather bandana. I also decided that it was just cool enough with the breeze that I should pack my full face as well. I'm glas I did as I regretted not wearing it 5 minutes into the ride.
We headed on out and turned towards some of the main roads to avoid the leftover ice and heavy sand on some of the shady side roads. We got about a half a mile from the house and those winds they predicted were just getting going. As we approached a local farm, we were both blown quicte hard to the left. This was certainly going to be a short ride.
Once we reached the center of town, I pulled over so I could take a minute to switch helmets. I'm sure glad I did as it made the brief ride much more enjoyable. My forehead was sure to be a block of ice had I not made the change.
After a brief stop, we decided to continue on down route 10/202 towards Westfield figuring the road would be in nice shape. Though we figured right, the winds kept getting stronger and stronger. Additionally, the one part not covered by my chaps was begining to get cold quickly (I'll leave that to your imagination). We aborted the ride a little early and headed back home.
I spent some time giving the bikes a good cleaning when we arrived back home. I hate to leave the road salt on them as it sure can cause issues with corrosion. It sounds silly but I always break out the leaf blower when I wash the bikes so I can dry them before the water spots get a chance to set in. If you've never tried it, give it a go. Just expect a few funny looks from your neighbors...
After cleaning them, I made a few minor adjustments and repairs that have needed doing for a while and then I put them away for another day. It looks like there's a bit of a warm-up on it's way this week so hopefully it won't be too long.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Ian's personal note...
All right, this one's not bike related but I figure if I make this a public proclamation, perhaps I'll see it through.
I had an old friend who found me on Facebook post some photos from High School. Now I'm estimating this was sophomore year. The primary shot was focused tow young ladies behind me, I'm sitting in the front of the shot listening to my walkman. You remember those right? You actually had to put a cassette in it to hear misc? You got maybe 5 songs per side and kept flipping it over? You were required to pack a bag just for your music? I think you probably get the idea.
Well there I am, sitting there listen
ing to my music, wearing my HD shirt (OK, a little motorcycle talk), eyes closed, enjoying the bus trip to Virginia I believe. The first thing I noticed was I HAD A NECK! Of course my son noticed the mullett first... The second was how broad I was in the shoulders at the same time I HAD A NECK!
You see, I started to lift weights during the summer between 8th and 9th grade. My friend Ron Hebert and I begain lifting together in his basement. His dad even brought us into Springfield to the old Central City Gym a few times. I'll never forget the first time I walked in. The odor, the huge people everywhere... For those over 35, you may even remember his dad. He was the Incredible Ice Man. You know, the guy who used to bust massive blocks of ice with his head? He also used to stack them up on his chest and have them busted with a sledge hammer...
Well I discovered something that summer. I had this uncanny ability to bulk up quickly. I put nearly two inches of muscle mass on my arms in about 8 months. I still have the remenants of my stretch marks to prove it. Over the next couple of years, I spent nearly any free time I had lifting weights. I was a tank and I was a powerhouse.
Fast forward a few years. I discovered Chinese food, beer and girls all around the time I was in and out of casts. I'd broken my ankle and it just didn't want to heal properly. I continued to work out for a while, but found I didn't have the time or desire I once did. Well, I soon discovered that the same metabolizim that allows me to put on muscle mass quickly also allows me to fatten up pretty fast. I put on some weight. It wasn't terrible, but just enough pudge that the doctors wouldn't harrass me too much.
Well time passed and I got into the software industry. No more running around all day long, instead, I spend my days in front of a computer. I also maintained my eating habits at the same time. Needless to say, the body decided to spread out some more.
Seeing this picture, right after dealing with some pictures that were taken this last weekend at the Winter Bash, I'm left to contemplate my current condition. I DON'T LIKE IT!
Here's my goal; I'm going to get into shape this year. Preferably something other than round. I figure my wife tolerates me at this weight but she shouldn't have to. Additionally, I'm going to end up killing myself with a heart attack or something. I'm going to keep this picture visible and though I probably won't see that exact shape again, it will serve as a target, a reminder of what once was and what can be again.
If you see me out and about this year, and see me heaping a plate full of goodies at one of the biker parties this year, just remind me of my picture. Perhaps I'll even have it with me.
I had an old friend who found me on Facebook post some photos from High School. Now I'm estimating this was sophomore year. The primary shot was focused tow young ladies behind me, I'm sitting in the front of the shot listening to my walkman. You remember those right? You actually had to put a cassette in it to hear misc? You got maybe 5 songs per side and kept flipping it over? You were required to pack a bag just for your music? I think you probably get the idea.
Well there I am, sitting there listen

You see, I started to lift weights during the summer between 8th and 9th grade. My friend Ron Hebert and I begain lifting together in his basement. His dad even brought us into Springfield to the old Central City Gym a few times. I'll never forget the first time I walked in. The odor, the huge people everywhere... For those over 35, you may even remember his dad. He was the Incredible Ice Man. You know, the guy who used to bust massive blocks of ice with his head? He also used to stack them up on his chest and have them busted with a sledge hammer...
Well I discovered something that summer. I had this uncanny ability to bulk up quickly. I put nearly two inches of muscle mass on my arms in about 8 months. I still have the remenants of my stretch marks to prove it. Over the next couple of years, I spent nearly any free time I had lifting weights. I was a tank and I was a powerhouse.
Fast forward a few years. I discovered Chinese food, beer and girls all around the time I was in and out of casts. I'd broken my ankle and it just didn't want to heal properly. I continued to work out for a while, but found I didn't have the time or desire I once did. Well, I soon discovered that the same metabolizim that allows me to put on muscle mass quickly also allows me to fatten up pretty fast. I put on some weight. It wasn't terrible, but just enough pudge that the doctors wouldn't harrass me too much.
Well time passed and I got into the software industry. No more running around all day long, instead, I spend my days in front of a computer. I also maintained my eating habits at the same time. Needless to say, the body decided to spread out some more.
Seeing this picture, right after dealing with some pictures that were taken this last weekend at the Winter Bash, I'm left to contemplate my current condition. I DON'T LIKE IT!
Here's my goal; I'm going to get into shape this year. Preferably something other than round. I figure my wife tolerates me at this weight but she shouldn't have to. Additionally, I'm going to end up killing myself with a heart attack or something. I'm going to keep this picture visible and though I probably won't see that exact shape again, it will serve as a target, a reminder of what once was and what can be again.
If you see me out and about this year, and see me heaping a plate full of goodies at one of the biker parties this year, just remind me of my picture. Perhaps I'll even have it with me.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Another 6 weeks!
Well, good old Punxsutawney Phil made his prediction today, 6 more weeks of Winter. I for one could do without!
Oh well, we did get some motorcycle stuff in this weekend anyway. We had been invited to attend the Easthampton Legion Riders Winter Bash in Easthampton, MA this weekend. Though it was a bit of a fiasco getting there, we had a great time. I've written a bit more on this on my website and will be posting some photos sometime today if you're interested in learning about the experience. All in all if was a fun night and hanging with all of those bikers has me yearning for Spring.
The weather here was great yesterday. I think it may have hit 50! Unfortunately, prepping for a Super Bowl party kept me from getting the bike out. This morning was nearly as nice, perhaps 8-10 degrees cooler, but warm enough that I took a lunchtime ride.
The bike was a little slow to start today. It's been sitting for a little more than a week in the cold garage. The engine moaned as it turned over and over. After playing with the choke, VROOM, it kicked over. Man, there's nothing like cracking open that throttle and feeling that power between your legs! I headed into the center of town to meet Christine at lunch. It was a decidedly brief ride, but nice none the less
When I left the house, the sun was shining bright. Boy that feels fine in February. My driveway and road proved a bit challenging with a little remenent ice but the main roads were pretty good. A little wet with melting snow but nice otherwise.
Looking at the long term forecast has me thinking my next opportunity to ride won't be until next week so I guess the bike will have to sit for a little longer. Take heed, Phil says riding season is only 6 weeks away!
Ride safe!
Oh well, we did get some motorcycle stuff in this weekend anyway. We had been invited to attend the Easthampton Legion Riders Winter Bash in Easthampton, MA this weekend. Though it was a bit of a fiasco getting there, we had a great time. I've written a bit more on this on my website and will be posting some photos sometime today if you're interested in learning about the experience. All in all if was a fun night and hanging with all of those bikers has me yearning for Spring.
The weather here was great yesterday. I think it may have hit 50! Unfortunately, prepping for a Super Bowl party kept me from getting the bike out. This morning was nearly as nice, perhaps 8-10 degrees cooler, but warm enough that I took a lunchtime ride.
The bike was a little slow to start today. It's been sitting for a little more than a week in the cold garage. The engine moaned as it turned over and over. After playing with the choke, VROOM, it kicked over. Man, there's nothing like cracking open that throttle and feeling that power between your legs! I headed into the center of town to meet Christine at lunch. It was a decidedly brief ride, but nice none the less
When I left the house, the sun was shining bright. Boy that feels fine in February. My driveway and road proved a bit challenging with a little remenent ice but the main roads were pretty good. A little wet with melting snow but nice otherwise.
Looking at the long term forecast has me thinking my next opportunity to ride won't be until next week so I guess the bike will have to sit for a little longer. Take heed, Phil says riding season is only 6 weeks away!
Ride safe!
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