Sunday, December 16, 2007

Wishing for sun...

Here we are, December 16, 2007, and I'm already wishing for some warm weather! We just received our second pounding of snow in the last week in addition to a couple of recent ice storms. Funny story though, we were just at a Christmas party the other night with some friends, and a fellow was telling me that when he was plowing his driveway after the last storm, he'd seen two odd lights coming up the street across the way. Upon further investigation he realized it was two motorcycles out for a late storm ride. The crazy part is we had been hammered with about a foot of snow!

Oh well, here's hoping for a nice day before Christmas so I can take a little ride!

Merry Christmas!



Anonymous said...

Your nuts, way to much salt. I am done til spring...Although I heard Santa was on his chopper Friday by the Mass Pike.

Ian Creswell said...

I have to be honest, you're not the first to accuse me of that! I hope Santa stops by here...


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