Monday, February 2, 2009

Another 6 weeks!

Well, good old Punxsutawney Phil made his prediction today, 6 more weeks of Winter. I for one could do without!

Oh well, we did get some motorcycle stuff in this weekend anyway. We had been invited to attend the Easthampton Legion Riders Winter Bash in Easthampton, MA this weekend. Though it was a bit of a fiasco getting there, we had a great time. I've written a bit more on this on my website and will be posting some photos sometime today if you're interested in learning about the experience. All in all if was a fun night and hanging with all of those bikers has me yearning for Spring.

The weather here was great yesterday. I think it may have hit 50! Unfortunately, prepping for a Super Bowl party kept me from getting the bike out. This morning was nearly as nice, perhaps 8-10 degrees cooler, but warm enough that I took a lunchtime ride.

The bike was a little slow to start today. It's been sitting for a little more than a week in the cold garage. The engine moaned as it turned over and over. After playing with the choke, VROOM, it kicked over. Man, there's nothing like cracking open that throttle and feeling that power between your legs! I headed into the center of town to meet Christine at lunch. It was a decidedly brief ride, but nice none the less

When I left the house, the sun was shining bright. Boy that feels fine in February. My driveway and road proved a bit challenging with a little remenent ice but the main roads were pretty good. A little wet with melting snow but nice otherwise.

Looking at the long term forecast has me thinking my next opportunity to ride won't be until next week so I guess the bike will have to sit for a little longer. Take heed, Phil says riding season is only 6 weeks away!

Ride safe!


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